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Analyzing if a company is worth investing on or not تحليل ما إذا كانت الشركة تصلح للاستثمار أم لا

Hey everyone! It's me Shouq. This is a project for an Industrial Engineering class called Engineering Ecocomics - IE343 which I took in Spring 2018 in the American University of the Middle East (AUM) in Kuwait.


In this project, we are going to manage Hon Company in the best economical way possible. Also, the problems regarding the compound interest as well as the annual cash flow and the rate of return will be solved. In addition to that, a benefit-cost ratio analysis will be performed in order for us to measure and evaluate all possible alternatives. Then analytical decisions will be made. Finally, the data will be analyzed using Microsoft Excel.
Keywords: cost, revenue, company, structure, company.


Hon Company is an online library that provides books in several languages. The books that Hon Company provides are PDF books as the cost of PDF books will be way cheaper that regular books. Hon Company has a website that shoews the great range of PDF books that they provide. This website can be accessed from countries all over the world which means that the company is an international company and offers its services to everyone and not just people in Kuwait as the company is based on Kuwait.
The hidden meaning behind the name of the company is a Japanese word. , pounced as Hon, is a Japanese word that means "book". And as the company works with books, we thought choosing this word as the name of the company will make it unique and give it more publicity. Also, the company recognizes the importance of advertisement, and that is why Hon Company spends a constant amount of money monthly on advertisement.
Hon Company has an office that is based in Kuwait. It has an office located in Salmiya Area. In the company, there are several employees where one of them is the owner and the CEO of the company. The other workers are programmers, techniques, It employees, HR employees, and the secretaries that do all the needed paper work of the company as well as assisting the CEO.
For every single book the company sells the authors and the publishers of the book get specific percentage of the book's price on the Hon website.

The added value

The number of people who are starting to prefer buying books online nowadays has increased compared to people preferring to go to the library. There are several apps and websites that display books in many different unique ways that are preferable to the customer. 
We wanted to create a business that helps people to develop and improves themselves and their knowledge through reading. We searched for a way that will suit people who cannot buy books and the ones who do not want to buy and own books because either do not read it for more than once or do not have storage at home for the books they buy. Because of all of that they will either store the books all over the place or distribute it to everyone they know. Nowadays, the key for success in any field is to be unique by offers something in a different way than the regular common way. The unique ways of offering something will attract the largest number of customers.
To achieve that, we found out that providing PDF copies of books as well as providing books in several languages in a cheaper price than the original books will be the best solution. It is going to be useful and beneficial for both parties. As a result, larger amount of people will be able to buy from our Hon Company. That will help customers to save the money and increases the company's profit at the same time. Also, it will help in saving time and effort for both the customers and the sellers
Moreover, there will not be any need for storage for the books. The books are going to be available for everyone at any time. It means that customers will not wait long time until the books are delivered as everything is happening online and by the speed of light. As a result, it will insure that the customers are satisfied by the fast services and it will affect the profit positively. There will not be any use for the papers in order to make PDF book copies which indicate that the Hon Company is environmental friendly in an indirect way as tress will not be cut to produce books.
Despite the fact that the prices will suit the customers which will increase the profit, we also care about the individual’s knowledge and encourage them to improve themselves through reading. In our opinion, this is the main reason that makes our company attractive and preferable choice for the many customers.
Also, if the customer would like to have the actual book shipped out to their own place, the company gives this as a possible option for regular customers as a way of rewarding them for being loyal to the company.

The structure

Work breakdown structure, known as WBS, is a way used to organize different parts of the company into manageable departments. It defines and shows, visually, every single department regarding the company as well as the sub department or the department's function and work. All of these parts of the company will be called level as where Level 1 will be the company itself where it gets divided into main departments or functions that will be called Level 2. Under Level 2 we will see Level 3 where things are mentioned with more specific details and so on.


In order to start any business in any field, we must follow some important steps to prevent any problems or difficulties in the future. Therefore, when we face any problem we will be able to deal with in order to solve it or at least reduce its effects. All of this will increase the opportunity to make Hon Company succeed. First of all, we need to search for expertise in the field to benefit from their knowledge and experience. After that, we must consult all professional people who are related to our business such as lawyers, programmers, engineers, designers, and the accountants to cover all the relevant aspects to be in the safe side. Then, we will list all the expected costs to calculate the needed amount of money for the initial, monthly, and annual budget. Calculating the costs will help us to avoid any financial problems that might lead us to fail. Therefore, determining the needed money for each part from the beginning will increase our profit since we will not waste money for any unexpected and unneeded costs.
As mentioned above there are many different types of costs. The costs in general are divided into two different types which are fixed cost and variable cost where every one of these types has many sub parts under it.
Variable Costs
1.      The initial cost: The Hon Company has several initial costs that were a result of starting a business. These initial costs are:
·         Consultants: In order for us to start a successful company, we will consult many professional people like lawyer, accountant, programmers and IT, decoration designer, and security guard of the company. In estimation the budget for consultants is approximately around 5,500 KD.
·         Licenses and legal work: In order for anyone to start a business, permission from the government is needed to be able open and start managing the company legally. Having licenses will protect our rights in the future if any problem occurred. Also, it will authorize and officialize the business. It will cost around 3,500 KD
·         Location and Suitable Office: Having an office in a good location is very important for any business. Also, having a suitable work environment and office are very important as well. It also includes office's furniture, decoration, and equipment as well. All of this will cost 10,000 KD to provide a comfortable and relaxing work environment since employees will spend almost all their working hours in front of the computer screen at their offices.
·         New high quality devices: Having good quality computers, telephones, Televisions, and display screens is important and essential for a company's success. Having new high quality devices will cost 9,500 KD to provide a good quality equipment for employees
·         Site design: Site design includes logo, front page, features, categories, general information, contacts information, and address with the location. All of this is important for the company's success as well. That will cost around 5,850 KD to insure that the website is professional, unique, clear, and easy to access. All of this shows how we care about all details regarding the business as well as the importance of satisfying the customers' needs which will help in attracting more customers.
·         Security system: Without a security system the company will be hacked or even stolen. Having a security system could include surveillance cameras and protection programs as well. All of this will cost the company 5,750 KD. Everyone knows the importance of having a security system, and we want to provide the best security service for our customers.
The total initial variable cost is equal to 40,100 KD.
2.      The monthly cost The Hon Company has several monthly costs that were a result of starting a business. These monthly variable costs are:
·         Maintenance is an important part of keeping a company to work efficiently. The maintenance includes the maintenance of computers, electricity, and air conditions. It costs 100KD/month.
·         Water and electricity bills which the company has to pay for the government. On average it might cost around 100KD/month.
·         Delivery for special clients is an extra feature we give for loyal customers who have been having a membership with us for several years now. It costs between 20KD and 80KD per month.
The total monthly variable cost is equal to 250KD on average.
3.      The annual cost: The Hon Company has several annual costs that were a result of starting a business. These annual variable costs are:
·         Renewal contracts: the amount of money spent on renewal contracts on a year increases or decreases based on the profit of the sold books. Renewal contracts cost on average between 1000KD/year for each publishing company.
·         Renewal protection system: to protect our website in general and our products (books) and database in specific we needed to make renewal of product systems which costs 500KD/year.
·         Traveling expenses: as employees need to go to meet publishing companies from all over the world to contract with them in order to sell their books in the Hon Company website, the company itself has to cover all of these travelling expenses. These travelling expenses include air plane tickets, hotels reservations, meeting (in restaurants or any other meeting places). All of this costs 1000KD/month on average.
The total annual variable cost is equal to 2500KD on average.
Fixed Costs
1.      The monthly cost: The Hon Company has several monthly costs that were a result of starting a business. These monthly fixed costs are:
·         Rent as we are renting a location for the company were the offices are. The rent cost is 500KD/month.
·         Internet connection for the company costs 50 KD/month.
·         Salaries for the employees of Hon Company. The salaries cost for employee is shown in the table below.
Employee's job
10000 KD
IT employee
Website designer
Marketing director

      Table 1: The salaries of Hon Company employees

The total cost of salaries for all the 10 employees of Hon Company in every single month will be equal to 5,700KD/month. And the total monthly fixed cost is equal to 6250KD.
2.      The annual cost: The Hon Company has several annual costs that were a result of starting a business. These annual fixed costs are:
·         Office insurance from breaking, stealing, hacking, and fire. The costs of the insurance is 500KD/year
·         Health insurance for the Hon Company employees.
The cost of the health insurance = the number of employees* 50KD/year = 10*50= 500KD/year
·         Renewal security equipment includes smoke detector system, and fire extinguishers, and the cost of that is 50KD/year.
·         Bonus is a way to encourage employees and reward them for their hard work. It will cost 500KD/year for the most effective employee in the company during the year.
·         Advertising and marketing is very essential to introduce our company to the public in order to attract larger amount of customers. Advertising and marketing cost 1000KD/year as it takes an important role for the business to spread everywhere.
the total annual fixed cost is equal to 4050KD.
Regarding the Disposal as the company is considered to be environmentally friendly; it has no disposal because it has no waste or anything as they sell PDF books.

From Table 2 we can see the monthly costs of internet, rent, and salaries which are fixed costs are calculated monthly.

From Table 3 we can see all Hon Company’s employees' salaries based on their position in the company. All of this is calculated monthly.

From Table 4 we can see the monthly costs of maintenance, bills, and special clients' delivery in 2012 during the 12 months of the year and the total costs as well. These monthly costs are considered to be variable cost.

As a result, the total of the fixed monthly cost of the internet, rent and salaries cost for five years from 2012 until 2017 is equal to 465000 KD as seen in Table 5.

As a result, the total monthly variable cost of maintenance, bills and special clients' delivery for 5 years from 2012 until 2017 is equal to 25,300 KD as seen in Table 6.

Cost structure

Cost structure is a way used to organize and manage all costs inside an institute or a company. It defines and shows, visually, all costs regarding the Hon Company as well as the sub costs if needed. All of these types of costs of the Hon Company will be called levels as where Level 1 will be the cost itself where it gets divided into two costs which are fixed cost as well variable cost will be called Level 2. Under Level 2 we will see Level 3 which includes the sub-parts under variable and fixed cost. Under Level 3 comes level 4 where things are mentioned with more specific details and so on if needed.


Any business’s target or aim is to get the maximum profit or the least loss. To reach that goal in our business, we are trying to get as much revenue as we can through a list. The revenue refers to the income that a company received from any business. Revenues based on sales and market values are important to a company as well.
In Hon Company, we have different types and categories of products that are being sold. The first type has 20 books while the second type has 30 books, and the last type has 50 types as seen in Table 7. Each one of those type has a different price. The quantity of the books being bought by a person depends on the costumers themselves.

Books type one
Books type two
Books type three
20 books
30 books
50 types
2 KD / Book
3 KD / Book
2 KD / Book
                                                               Table 7: The types of books at the Hon Company
An example for the revenue based on sales is if a customer bought a book from the first type, it will cost is 2KD per book. Moreover, if a customer bought a book from the second type, the price will be 3KD per a book. As a result, X refers to the price depending on the type of books that the customers chose. In addition, 10% of that price goes to the publisher and author of the book. In our business Hon Company, we offer 100 books of 3 different categories to please as much customers as we can. The 100 books stand for the quantity. Therefore, the revenue is the price multiplied by the quantity times the price.
Revenue = Price * Quantity
R = P * Q
There are many different types of revenue accounts. Some of these revenue accounts are:
1.      Service Revenue is the revenue earned from rendering services. Other account titles may be used depending on the industry of the business.
2.      Sales as revenue from selling goods to customers. It is the principal revenue account of merchandising and manufacturing companies ("List of Revenue Accounts - AccountingVerse", 2016).
3.      Sales Discounts is a contra-revenue account that represents reduction in the amount paid by customers for early payment. It is shown in the income statement as a deduction to Sales ("List of Revenue Accounts - AccountingVerse", 2016).
4.      Sales Returns and Allowances is also a contra-revenue account and therefore shown as a deduction to Sales. Sales return occurs when there is actual return of a defective item. Sales allowance happens when the customer is willing to keep the item with a reduction in its selling price ("List of Revenue Accounts - AccountingVerse", 2016).
5.      Rent Income is earned from leasing out commercial spaces such as office space, stalls, booths, apartments, condominiums, etc.
6.      Interest Income is the revenue earned from lending money.
7.      Commission Income is the revenue earned by brokers and sales agents.
8.      Royalty Income is earned by the owner of a property, patent, or copyrighted work for allowing others to use such in generating revenue.
9.      Franchise Fee is earned by a franchisor in a franchise agreement.
In the income statement, net income is computed by deducting all expenses from all revenues. Revenues are presented at the top part of the income statement before the expenses.
Net income = all expenses - all revenues
So as seen in Table 7 there are 8,400 books of type one where the price of one book is 2KD while in book of type 2 there are 8,400 books and the price per a book is 3 KD. Finally, a book of type 3's price is 5 KD, and there are 8,400 different books of type 3 in The Hon Company. The revenue of selling all books in all of the three types will be
·         Revenue = Price * Quantity
·         Total revenue = (Price of books of type one * Quantity of books of type 1) + (Price of books of type two * Quantity of books of type 2) + (Price of books of type three * Quantity of books of type 3)
·         Total revenue = (2 *8,400) + (3 *8,400) + (5*8,400)
·         Total revenue = (16,800) + (25,200) + (42,000)
·         Total revenue = 84,000 KD per year

Revenue structure

Revenue structure is a way used to organize and manage all costs inside an institute or a company. It defines and shows, visually, all revenues regarding the Hon Company as well as the sub revenues if needed. All of these types of revenues of the Hon Company will be called levels as which is Level 1.


To continue the sensitivity of our business, we create a spider plot. From the previous results we estimated the following measurements: From above, we know that the initial cost is equal to 40,100 KD which is considered to be the inventory. We also know that the total revenue per year is equal to 84,000 KD which we will consider to be annual saving. On the other hand, regarding the annual expenses, it will be the summation of all variable and fixed costs per year which is equal to 77,950 KD per year. Not to mention that we considered the minimum acceptable rate of return (MARR) to be 5% this is commonly used in Kuwait in many banks. Also, as we are selling books, usually books have a lifetime of 10 years. All of that can be seen in Table 8 below.
It was required form us analyze the sensitivity of the present worth (PW) of the company over a range of -20% until +20% changes of the capital investment, annual saving, annual expenses, and minimum rate of return (MARR) as well. The values of the factors that we are using to find present worth (PW) using excel are the ones in Table 8. From that table, we draw a second table which you can see in Table 9 below.
In order for us to fill in the table, we used formulas. Regarding the value of the first cell in the capital investment column, it will follow the formula of = –I*(1+ the percent change of the factor which is -20%) + PV(MARR's cell; Life Time's cell; -(Annual Saving's cell – Annual expenses' cell).  We notice that the inventory is negative as expected as it is a loss. Also, in order for us to be able to ably the same rule for all the column and get a result, we will use the dollar sign near the inventory's cell, the MARR's cell, the Life Time's cell, Annual Saving's cell as well as the Annual expenses' cell. The dollar sign near a cell's number indicates that the value will not change. Then, we can simply drag the rule down for the column as a whole to get the rest of the calculations. So the final rule with cell's number will be
While regarding the value of the first cell in the annual saving column, it will follow the formula of = –I + PV(MARR's cell; Life Time's cell; -(Annual Saving's cell*(1+ the percent change of the factor which is -20%) – Annual expenses' cell). Also, in order for us to be able to ably the same rule for all the column and get a result, we will use the dollar sign near the inventory's cell, the MARR's cell, the Life Time's cell, Annual Saving's cell as well as the Annual expenses' cell. The dollar sign near a cell's number indicates that the value will not change. Then, we can simply drag the rule down for the column as a whole to get the rest of the calculations. So the final rule with cell's number will be
On the other hand, the value of the first cell in the annual expenses column will follow the formula of = –I + PV(MARR's cell; Life Time's cell; -(Annual Saving's cell– Annual expenses' cell*(1+ the percent change of the factor which is -20%)). Also, in order for us to be able to ably the same rule for all the column and get a result, we will use the dollar sign near the inventory's cell, the MARR's cell, the Life Time's cell, Annual Saving's cell as well as the Annual expenses' cell. The dollar sign near a cell's number indicates that the value will not change. Then, we can simply drag the rule down for the column as a whole to get the rest of the calculations. So the final rule with cell's number will be
While regarding the value of the first cell in the annual expenses column, it will follow the formula of = –I + PV(MARR's cell*(1+ the percent change of the factor which is -20%); Life Time's cell; -(Annual Saving's cell– Annual expenses' cell). Also, in order for us to be able to ably the same rule for all the column and get a result, we will use the dollar sign near the inventory's cell, the MARR's cell, the Life Time's cell, Annual Saving's cell as well as the Annual expenses' cell. The dollar sign near a cell's number indicates that the value will not change. Then, we can simply drag the rule down for the column as a whole to get the rest of the calculations. So the final rule with cell's number will be
After that, we observed the resultant table and noticed that the capital investment is decreasing as the percentage change increases. Also, the annual expenses and MARR are decreasing. Not to mention that the annual expenses would even reach negative values. On the other hand, the annual saving is increasing in a continuously without any loosing and show that the profit will start from the 0%.

                                                   Figure 4: The spider plot for the cash flow
In Figure 4 we can see the spider plot of Table 9. Spider plot is a way used to show the result conducted by the sensitivity analysis (Subramanian, 2011).

Internal Rate of Return

In order for us to know if this project is a good project or not, we will have to find the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). In order for us to find the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) using Excel, we will have to draw a new table which has number of years that is equal to the useful life time of a book which is mentioned above to be 10 years. Then under these years, we subtracted the annual saving from the annual expenses, and got a result that is equal to 6,050 KD. We used an Excel feature to find the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) which is =IRR(Investment's cell graded till the 10th year's cell of annual saving – annual expenses)

             We got a value of the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) that is equal to 8%. Comparing the value of the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) which is equal to 8% to the minimum acceptable rate of return (MARR) which is equal to 5%, we notice that the IRR is greater than the MARR which indicates that this company has a good project which means that we can actually find investment for financing this project and company.


Doing the breakeven will help us in knowing what is the quantity of books that we need to sell before we even start to make revenue.
PW= - I + (R - E) * (P/A, i%, N)
PW= 0 = - I + (R - E) * (P/A, i%, N)
PW= 0 = - I + ((Q*P)- E) * (P/A, i%, N)
PW= 0 = - 40,100KD + ( (Q*10)- 77,950 ) * (P/A, 5%, 10)
0 = - 40,100KD + ( (Q*10)- 77,950 ) *  ( 7.7217 )
Q = 8,314 books
From the calculation above, in order for us to know the number of quantity we need to sell before we get any profit, we equalized the present worth with zero, and the quantity was 8,314 books to sell before we make any profit or revenue in the company.

Work Plan

Managing and organization the work plan increase the chances of having the work done successfully in time. In the Gantt chart seen in Appendix A we notice that the work plan is divided by deliverables where in every single deliverable we noticed that all needed steps are mentioned.
Also in Table 1, we notice that the plan for this week is mentioned where we are trying to manage our time and work together. It is shown that we have a meeting to discuss the work progress for two hours on Wednesday from 11 am until 1 pm. Also, we have another meeting for three hours in Monday from 1 pm until 4 pm. Not to mention that group members are working throughout the week on the project in order for it to get the best outcome at the end. Group members will also go to the professor's office to discuss the project and make sure of their understanding of the project requirement. On Friday from 10 am until 12 pm we notice that it is a dark black spot which indicates it is a rest time where no messages or calls are being done. Taking rests is a good thing as it motivates people to work harder afterwards. Finally, on Saturday between 2 pm until 4 pm the work will be submitted on Model.

Future work

We have many future ideas and dreams regarding our company. Converting the Hon Company into a smart phone application instead of a website is our main aim for the future. The website suits us since we have just started the business, but in order for the company to reach more people, we are ambitious to have our own app. That will show the number of people who downloaded the application, and people's rate and opinions on the Hon Company as well as new ideas and suggestion in how to improve the company and gain costumer's satisfaction. We will make sure that it will available for all devices in all over the world. The access for the application will be free to ensure that everyone is going to get the chance to visit it without any pressure or commitment. There will be a discussion bar under each book page which is considered available for visitors as a form of encouragement to join the Hon Company and sign up for a membership. In addition to that it will insure that customers will get a full idea about any information they need regarding the book they are thinking of ordering.
Another aim for the future that Hon Company has is to provide different categories of books for different ages and in many different languages as having collaboration with several international publishers by signing contracts with them will push Hon Company to the top compared to other companies that work in the same filed. Therefore, Hon Company will be known for its great quality and amazing peculiarity.
A third aim that the company have is providing audio books for the people with disabilities that prevents them from being able to read themselves as well as the ones who prefer to hear books rather than reading it themselves.
We will depend on advertisement to show the main idea and the basic information related to the Hon Company in order to attract customers from all over the world to sign up. At the end, nothing will happen without a hard work and fully commitment until the end in order to reach success which will not really happen without hiring amazing creative people who will help this company to reaches the top.


To conclude, in this report we wrote an introduction regarding the company that we are going to analyze. After that we mentioned all the costs that the Hon Company has to go through as well as all the revenues they get to make. Also, we made the cost and revenue structure of the Hon Company.
We also made a work plan that will contribute on the progress of the project to go smoothly as well as a future plan for the company.
In addition to that, we found the sensitivity analysis as well as the Interest Rate of Return (IRR). In conclusion, we found out that this company is a good company to invest in.


List of Revenue Accounts - AccountingVerse. (2016). Accounting Verse. Retrieved 7 April 2018, from
Subramanian, M. (2011). Sensitivity Analysis. Retrieved from


The students who worked in this project are
  1. Shouq Alansari
  2. Hessah Salman
  3. Aleyah Almeea
Knowing that all students in the group have worked ''enough'', but not all students have put equal amount of efforts while working on this project. Some students worked harder than others, and it is normal when it comes to working on groups. Great thanks to Hessah Salman for working extra hard during this semester and this project included. Many thanks Hessah and your hard work is appreciated.

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السلام عليكم جميعاً! قبل أيام قليلة أخيراَ قمت بمعرفة درجة اختبار الكفاءة في اللغة اليابانية المستوى الخامس N5 لنبدأ أولاً بالتحدث عن ماهية الإختبار يطلق على الإمتحان JLPT JLPT=Japanese Language Proficiency Test=اختبار الكفاءة في اللغة الياباينة إختبار الكفاءة في اللغة اليابانية يحتوي على خمس مستويات حيث المستوى الأول أصعبها والمستوى الخامس أسهلها. N5 N4 N3 N2 N1 لماذا حرف الـ N ؟ لأن كلمة "اللغة اليابانية" في اللغة اليابانية هي 日本語 وتنطق "نيهون قو". ثانياً: التسجيل لنتحدث عن طريقة التسجيل لأنني لست مصرية ولا أعيش في مصر لذا بكل تأكيد قمت بالتسجيل عن طريق الإنترنت، ولكن كيف؟ قمت بالتواصل معهم عن طريق هذا الإيميل ثم قمت بالتواصل مع أحد موظفين مؤسسة اليابان في القاهرة، طلب مني ارسال صورة شخصية وتعبئة استمارة التسجيل ايميل مؤسسة اليابان في القاهرة: صورة للإستمارة وسوف يتم اخبارك كيف تقوم بتعبأة الإستمارة فلا تقلق!  ❤ يوم الإمتحان وصلنا الجامعة الساعة 8 أو 8:30 صباحاً، قبل دخول الجامعة مقابل البوابة قام رجال الأ

( Japanese poem )The little bird, the bell, and me 私と小鳥と鈴と 「英語訳」

[Translated script] The little bird, the bell, and me Even with both of my hands open, I still can't fly in the sky, But the little flying bird Can't run as fast on the ground as me. Even if I shake my body, No beautiful sound comes out. But the ringing bell Doesn't know as much songs as me, The bell, the little bird and also me, We are all different, yet we are good. Poet: Misuzu Kaneko Translated by: Shouq A - Q8toy - ショーグ [The script for the poem] 私と小鳥と鈴と 私は両手うをひろげても、 お空はちょっとっも飛べないが。 飛べる小鳥は私のように、 地面を速く走れない。 私は体をゆすっても、 綺麗な音は出ないけど、 あの鳴る鈴は私のように、 たくさんな音は知らないよ。 鈴と小鳥とそれから私、 みんな違って、みんないい。 詩人:金子みすゞ [ Hiragana ~ ひらがな ] わたしとことりとすずと わたしはりょうてをひろげても おそらはちょっとっもとべないが。 とべることりはわたしのように、 じめんをはやくはしれない。 わたしはからだをゆすっても、 きれいなおとはでないけど、 あのなるすずはわたしのように、 たくさんなおとはしらないよ。 すずとことりとそれからわたし、 みんなちがって、みんないい。 しじん:かねこ みすず