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Showing posts from May, 2018

Solving a cutting Stock Problem using Optimization تقليل الفاقد في تقطيع المخزون باستخدام البرمجة الخطية

Hey everyone! It's  me Shouq. This is a project for an Industrial Engineering class called Operational research / optimization - OR1 - IE335 which I took in Fall 2017 in the American University of the Middle East (AUM) in Kuwait. Abstract The objective of this report is to show our work in how to solve a cutting stock problem using the operational research method. First, a clear description of the problem is provided with every detail regarding it. Then the decision variables are identified as well as the objective functions and the constraints of the problem. After that a final linear programming formulation will be presented. Also, the problem is solved using Lingo and Excel solver to find the answer of the linear programming problem. As well as a what-if will be presented after a sensitivity analysis is found. Keywords: cutting, stock, analysis, problem, operational, research. Introduction Cutting stock problem is a serious problem that many industries suffer from