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living in kyotanabe, Japan الحياة في ريف اليابان

  Living in Kyotanabe, the countryside of Kyoto, Japan! Hello! My name is Shouq and I am a 22-year-old girl who moved to Japan 13 months ago (This article was written 7 months after I moved here). I tried to know anything about Kyotanabe before moving here, but could not find a thing. I moved here knowing nothing about this place, so let me introduce this place to you especially if you are moving here to go to Doshisha University, Kyotanabe Campus.  Where is Kyotanabe? Kyotanabe, called 京田辺市 in Japanese, is a place located in the southern part of Kyoto Prefecture which is one of the prefectures in the Kansai Region in Japan ( Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , n.d.). It is a very small nice city with a population of 68, 500 (Kyotanabe City, 2018) where you can see a lot of older people living around as well as younger students who go to Doshisha University. What makes Kyotanabe City a great place to live at is the fact that it is in the middle between Kyoto, Osaka, and Nara so it is ve