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The Effect of languages on nature تأثير اللغات على الطبيعة

The effect of languages on nature
There is no doubt that learning languages is very interesting and essential in our everyday life. As a language lover myself, I have always been interested in the connection between nature, language and culture as well. Can you imagine that my friend, who is Japanese, and I could be listening to the same exact thing, but hearing it differently? What is the reason of this? Let me explain it to you by giving you an example - from the nature around us- and then maybe things will be clear and understandable to you.
If I asked you now, "What sound does a cat make?" what would you say? I mean, if a cat "meowed" in front of you, you clearly hear the cat saying "meow meow", right? Now, can you imagine that Japanese people do not hear the cat saying "meow meow"; instead they hear cats saying "nya nya にゃーにゃー". Is this not crazy? The exact same thing happens with the sound that dogs make. An American person will hear the dog saying "wuff wuff" or "ruff ruff", while on the other hand, a Japanese person will hear "wan wanワンワン". As an Arab person myself, I will hear something completely different. I hear the dog saying "haw haw" or "how' how' "!
I found out that our mother tongue effects the way we hear things including the sounds of animals. When I started studying the English language, my English was not good back then. I could not understand how the sound of dogs is "wuff wuff". This dog in front of me is clearly saying "haw haw". How come my American friends say that it is "wuff wuff"? It made no sense to me, and I totally forgot about it for a while. I then started getting interested in Japanese language, and after years of learning Japanese, I noticed something interesting. I noticed that I actually can hear both sounds of the cat! I can hear the cat saying "nya nya にゃーにゃー" and "meow meow" as well which I found so interesting. Then I realized by familiarizing myself with the culture of the country, me learning their languages made it easier to see how people of other cultures can hear things differently.
I also noticed that languages does not only affect how people hear the sound animals, but also affect their nature as human beings. What is the meaning of this? I mean that the nature and the characteristics of Japanese people, for examples, are totally different than American people in many different ways. Japanese people who only speak Japanese language tend to be very polite and some people would consider them to be shy, while American people tend to be considered more courageous and out spoken. I noticed this about myself as well.  Whenever I speak Japanese, I notice that I tend to be very polite and respectful to the person I am talking to. I even smile more than normal when I am talking in Japanese language. On the other hand, when I am talking in English, I actually feel more confident of myself and will always speak out my mind with no fear or hesitation. Is this not kind of unbelievable? My characteristics and nature change a lot when I am speaking different languages, so I would understand how someone raised on a certain country with certain culture and tradition would see and hear things differently.
Learning languages is a great thing. It opens doors to us as humans, and makes us understand each other and accept our differences and even appreciate them. I think if I have never learned any languages other than my mother tongue, Arabic, I would not be the person I am nowadays or understand why people of other culture do things differently. 
Peace, Shouq

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