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What goes around comes around (Story) // كما تدين تدان - مسرحية مكتوبة

Hey everyone! It's me, Shouq. This is the project for an English class called First Year Composition - ENGL106 - English2 that I toke in Spring 2016 in the American University of the Middle East (AUM).

Dramatic Persona

JASMINE: A beautiful, kind, unmarried hardworking woman who cares about others more than herself and seeks other people's happiness.  She is 29 year old.
Mrs. SMITH: the poor widow neighbor with three children, she is 45 year old.
MARIAM: The poor homeless girl with old clothes that lives in Jasmine's street. She is 16 year old.
DIANA: The selfish friend that thinks helping others is a waste of time and money, she   is 30 year old.
Mrs. TALIA and Mrs. SARAH: they are both an old ladies who live at the elderly care house, and were abandoned by their own kids. They are 72 and 70 year old. 


Scene 1

(JASMINE is watering the flower inside her house in a hurry to give her neighbor her weekly supplies that she always buys for her then to catch her doctor appointment.)

JASMINE:  (knocking in the door) Hello, Mrs. Smith are you there?

Mrs. SMITH: Yes, who is it?

JASMINE: It's me, Jasmine.

Mrs. SMITH: (opening the door) Oh, welcome! Please come in. Don't stand at the door like a stranger.

JASMINE: I would love to, but unfortunately I have an important appointment that I can't miss. I will visit you soon definitely.(Handling her the supplies)

Mrs. SMITH: Oh what a wonderful woman you are! You remember it every week. You have no idea how much I appreciate it

JASMINE (smiling to her neighbor and waving with her hand).

Scene 2

JASMINE:  (while in her way home back from the appointment she sees the homeless girl that she sees all the time and with a smile on her face) Hello MARIAM! It has been a long time. How have you been? Hope everything is well.

MARIAM: (getting up) Hello miss JASMINE. I miss seeing you everyday on your way to work. You have been going to work by car lately, right?

JASMINE: Yes, my friend used to pick me up the last couple of days because I was little bit tired and couldn’t walk.

MARIAM: Are you alright now?

JASMINE: Yes, I am feeling way better. What about you? And I have something for you sweetie (opening her bag and taking a sandwich  from it) hope you like it!

MARIAM: (filled with happiness and joy)haven’t had anything since the morning. You always make me happy. I love that you remember me all the time when no one else does. You restored my faith in humanity with your kindness. (With tears) Thank you so much, Miss JASMINE.

Scene 3

(In the following day, DIANA comes to JASMINE's house.)

DIANA: (knocking the door) Hi, JASMINE!! Where are you? Why is it taking you so long to open the door??

JASMINE: (in a loud voice so DIANA can hear) I am coming!! (Opening the door) I was getting ready to go out.

DIANA: (curiously) Where are you going to?'

JASMINE: I’m going to the elderly care house.

DIANA: (carelessly) Oh, no, no, no, no, you're going out for lunch with me! (Pulling her hand) Let’s go!

JASMINE: I’m sorry, I can’t. It’s Sunday! The day to visit elderly care house.

DIANA(filled with anger) How many times do I have to tell you to stop wasting your time with these silly things! Stop being pathetic and live your life! (in a soft voice smiling) there's a couple of  handsome friends of mine that I want you to meet, you might find a husband instead of being lonely.

JASMINE: (ignoring DIANA’s words and checking her watch) I'll be  late. I have to leave now! I’m sorry, but we can discuss that later.

DIANA: (furiously while walking away) That is the thing I hate the most about you!!! 

Scene 4

(JASMINE arrives to the elderly care house greeting everyone while she is walking on her way to meet Mrs. TALIA and Mrs. SARA)

Mrs. TALIA: Welcome my dear! (Hugging her)miss you so much!!

JASMINE: Hello Mrs. Talia! I miss you too!! You look beautiful as usual (smiling).

Mrs. TALIA: (gratefulnessly) Oh, What a sweet tongue you have!

JASMINE: Where is Mrs. Sarah? I don’t see her around.

Mrs. TALIA: She is inside. Let’s go to her. She will be so happy to see you.

JASMINE: Yes, let’s go!

Mrs. SARA: (grinning from ear to ear) Hello JASMINE! How are you? How is everything?

JASMINE: I am doing well, thank you. (Preparing the table with a smile) I brought some food so we can enjoy the meal together. Come and sit down!

(Mrs. SARA hugged JASMINE)

Mrs. TALIA: (in a thrilled tone) Oh, you really made my day! (After finishing the meal.)

Mrs. TALIA: Thank you for the food, it was so delicious!

Mrs. SARA: You always make our Sundays so exiting and brighten them. We appreciate everything you are doing for us.

JASMINE: (with a smile)  Believe me, spending time with you is a great joy!(standing up) I have to leave now. See you next Sunday! take care of yourselves till then. Bye.

Mrs. TAILA and Mrs. SARA: (waving with their hands) Bye dear.

Scene 5

(five years later, JASMINE passes out , she gets very  sick and can't leave her house for a month . DIANA comes to help her with the house work and making meals, everyday she comes she gets surprised that there's someone new visiting her)

Scene 6

 (She is laying in her bed while DIANA is in the kitchen making some tea for them, the sunlight is sneaking into JASMINE's bedroom window, she has a  satisfied smile on her face because of  the shadow of her plants that is preventing the sunlight to get to her face and bother her, as they are paying back for the care she gave, DIANA comes in with two cups of tea)

DIANA: I'll be honest with you,(handling her the tea cup and setting on the chair beside her bed)  I have never expected that your care toward other people will be such a fruitful thing!  Everyday I come to visit you I find someone! you are never alone!

JASMINE:  My dear friend, you should have known that what you sow is what you reap, everything you do wither it's good or bad will return to you one day.


  1. This project was done almost three years ago. The used language does not reflect on the group members' current language proficiency neither their current level of creativity.
  2. Not every student did the same equal amount of effort in the play
  3. We were privileged enough to present and perform this play on a stage in university in front of many students and professors.
  4. The play should follow the structure shown in the picture below. The reason why it is not shown in this post is the fact that I do not have great control over the design and structure of the post.

The name of the students who helped in bringing this project to life are
Shouq Alansari
Nour AlSayed
Aseel Nagi
Fatemah Hussain
Fareeda AlMesbah
Ashjan Baqer

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