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Showing posts from 2016

Experiment 2: Hooke's law - Modern Mechanics - phy100 / phy172

Hello everyone! In this post, I will explain everything that is related to Hooke's law  experiment. AUM - Modern Mechanics - phy100 / phy172 - Fall 2016 -  Experiment 2 : Hooke's law Group assessment questions: # There are three tables that you will be asked to fill inside. For each table, we will find the graph as well. But for only one of these table, we will have to find the slope as well ( Finding the slope is so easy. Don't worry!) Table 1 : Table 2 : Table 3 : # Mention some errors that could happen during Hooke's law. # Find the percentage error Percentage error =   | ( theoretical - experimental ) / (  theoretical )    | * 100   # Sometime you have a load on the spring, but there is no compression or stretch-ness. What is the reason for that? # What is the relationship between the k and each spring? Individual assessment questions : ( multiple choice questions ) # What is k? Stiffness # What is

Experiment 1: Air Track - Modern Mechanics - phy100 / phy172

Hello everyone. So this is my first post in this blog. I am planning to upload my notes for classes that I am taking at university this semester. I hope it may be helpful for some of you. AUM - Modern Mechanics - phy100 / phy172 - Fall 2016 -  Experiment 1: Air Track Group assessment questions: •  There was a graph where we need to find the acceleration. How to find it? We take two points at the graph between velocity and time, then use the rule: acceleration = velocity / time. •  Mention some errors that could happen and how to reduce them. Random errors: -Not adjusting ( the height of ) the photo gate properly. - observational errors. - Not adjusting the smart timer. ( I think? When you do not change the number of the photo gate in the smart timer, for example) Systematic errors: - From the smart timer itself. - From the sensor ( that is on the photo gate ) itself. If it did not record. •  For the percentage error for the instantaneous velocity Percentage error =   |