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Showing posts from January, 2017

A statistic about marital status in Dasman region in Kuwait

Hey guys! This is my report for an industrial engineering class called Probability and Statistic in Engineering I - IE 230 - AUM . I enjoyed writing this short report a lot, and I do not care that I did not get a good grade in it for writing extra stuff XD (My group-mates helped a little bit.)                 Marital status in Dasman region                   Marital status is a term that indicates if a person is married or not. Other than married or not, some people could be widowed, divorced, not stated and many other possibilities. In this report, we collected data in Dasman region about marital status of Kuwaiti and non Kuwaiti people as well.                    Collecting and organizing data is very important for various reasons. The data could be used to answer questions, analyze and help improving, and developing the researching process.                 The data in the table above shows us that most Kuwaiti people have never got married,  while most non Kuwait