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Showing posts from November, 2017

Phobia of birds - Ornithophobia - Me and birds فوبيا الطيور

How does it feel like to spend every existing moment of your day avoiding something? More accurately avoiding your source of phobia that is taking over your everyday life without you even noticing it until it already took over. You stop going to the beach or the park. You don't go outside the house in the morning in general and if you do, you don't stop looking around anxious and in fear. You stop going to the toilet in your house because the freaking bird is close to the toilet area and you don't wanna be anywhere near that. You abandoned going to the leaving room at all cost and sometime even the dinning room as that is where he, and by he I mean the bird even thought it is a she, lives in. At university you avoid taking early morning classes. Not only because you do not want to wake up early, but also because it is physically painful to walk near the trees and flowers around the parking area or when you are going from one building to another as I know birds are usua