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Phobia of birds - Ornithophobia - Me and birds فوبيا الطيور

How does it feel like to spend every existing moment of your day avoiding something? More accurately avoiding your source of phobia that is taking over your everyday life without you even noticing it until it already took over. You stop going to the beach or the park. You don't go outside the house in the morning in general and if you do, you don't stop looking around anxious and in fear. You stop going to the toilet in your house because the freaking bird is close to the toilet area and you don't wanna be anywhere near that. You abandoned going to the leaving room at all cost and sometime even the dinning room as that is where he, and by he I mean the bird even thought it is a she, lives in. At university you avoid taking early morning classes. Not only because you do not want to wake up early, but also because it is physically painful to walk near the trees and flowers around the parking area or when you are going from one building to another as I know birds are usua

What is Hall Effect?

Hi! My name is Shouq. This is my part of physics two report which was about Hall Effect.  Electricity and Optics - Phys241 -AUM - American University of the Middle East -  Spring 2017. Introduction            The Hall Effect is a principle that was found by a physicist called Edwin Herbert Hall. Edwin Hall was born on November 7, 1855. He was experimenting with a lot of scientific activities throughout his life, but his most common and famous scientific discovery was found in 1879 which is the Hall Effect. The Hall Effect principle is the most famous and common method that are used to measure magnetic field.          In this report, we will be discussing the principle of Hall Effect, the hypothesis, how it works, the motivation of the principle, the history, the physical background, application, and the conclusion to this report as well. Hypothesis:             The Hall Effect principle was found when Edwin happened to be using a semiconductor that has a cur

Public and Private Schools in Japan and Kuwait مقارنة بين المدارس الخاصة والحكومية في دولة اليابان والكويت

Hello. It's me, Shouq. So in this post I uploaded my part of my report and presentation for an elective class called Introduction to Sociology - Summer 2017 - AUM - American University of the Middle East. Enjoy!        "What do you think is better private or public schools?" is the question I asked in a survey. Two hundred fifty one people answered the survey. 51% of them think that private schools are better than public schools while 49% of them think that public schools are better. What are public and private schools? What are the differences between them? Public schools are schools that are funded by the government, and most of the time you do not have to pay money to enter them, so public schools are free of charge. However, private schools are funded by group of individuals. Private schools will cost you money if you want to enter them (" Private school ", n.d.; "Public school", n.d.). In this report, we will talk about the differences in

How to code a jeoparody game كيف أبرمج لعبة من سيربح المليون

Have you ever thought about making your own game and programming it by yourself? Then this is your chance! This is my project for a class called Programming Application for Engineering - CS159 - American University of The Middle East (AUM) - Spring 2016. We were supposed to make a jeopardy game that has three levels which are easy, intermediate, and difficult level. When you answer a question correctly, your score will increase based on the points of that question. When you reach the end of the level, you will be asked if you want to save your score or not as well as if you want to see your previous score. After that you will be asked if you want to play a new session. The coding program used in the code below is called Microsoft Visual Studio. And we used c++ language. #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void simple(int score);//add function simple level massege void Intermediate(int score);//add function intermediate level void Difficult(int score); /