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Showing posts from 2024

Reflecting on 2023! How did it go? كيف كانت سنة 2023 بالنسبة لي؟

  Hello! My name is Shouq. Recently I have been reflecting on 2023 and everything I have done through it and I wanted to share that in my blog with everyone. So what did I do in 2023? Reading: I read six books, based on my record. My goal was five books so I am happy about that! Four were in Japanese and two were in Arabic.     Gardening: I tried gardening for the second year in a row. This year I had a harvest of 30 super tinny mini tomatoes that I ate. Additionally, 20 tomatoes that got rotten before harvest, and 19 others that got rotten after harvesting. In total, I was able to grow up to 69 tomatoes! For a starter, I think it’s a success! Hopefully next year I can continue gardening and try to grow more variety of stuff! Japanese language: I had a goal of passing N1. I took the test in July and December. I did not pass the July one. The December test result is not out yet so fingers crossed! I started a new method of studying Japanese this year which consists of u