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كيف تستعد لإختبار الكفاءة في اللغة اليابانية المستوى الرابع How to prepare for the JLPT N4

السلام عليكم، اسمي شوق وأنا أتعلم اليابانية منذ سنوات طويلة، اليوم أردت التحدث عن بعض الكتب والطرق التي ساعدتني للإستعداد لاحتبار الكفاءة في اللغة اليابانية المستوى الرابع 1. Try N4 يعتبر واحد من اهم الكتب التي استخدمتها لتعلم اللغة اليابانية والاستعداد للإختبار بالذات للأشخاص الذين يعتبرون أنفسهم مشغولين جداً حيث أن الكتاب يحتوى على قواعد الاختبار مشروحة في سطرواحد أو سطرين فقط بالإضافة إن بعض التدريبات والتمارين لهذه الأسئلة، بالإضافة إلى أجوبة هذه الأسئلة. هنالك أيضاً نماذج لطرق أسئلة الاختبار ونماذج اختبارات أيضاً والتي تتضمن أسئلة متعلقة بالاستماع والقراءة والقواعد وأحرف الكانجي كذلك تأكد من أن الكتب يحتوى على الترجمة الإنجليزية أيضاً يمكنكم شراء الكتاب عن طريق امازون اليابان بالضغط على كلمة شراء سعر الكتاب 1836 Japanese Yen = 5 Kuwaiti Dinar = 17 American Dollar = 63 Saudi Riyal 2. Kanji look and learn يتضمن هذا الكتاب أحرف الكانجي للمستوى الخامس والرابع وأغلب أحرف الكانجي التي قد تجدها في اختبار الكفاءة للمستوى الثالث أيضاً ولكن ليس جميعها، هنالك كتا

? How to ace an interview and get the job كيف تجتاز مقابلة العمل وتحصل على الوظيفة؟

Hello! My name is Shouq, and this is a project for an elective class called Career Planning - Bus 300 which I took in Summer 2018 in the American University of the Middle East (AUM) in Kuwait. Abstract The objective of this report is to identify the steps and processes that are needed to be taken consideration of before, during, and after an interview which can guaranty a person to have a successful interview experience. Keywords:  interview, successful, during, after, before, job. Introduction In order for a person to have a successful job interview, there are several steps and processes that need to be taken into consideration before, during and after the interview as well. Having a successful interview is a way of making sure that a person has a higher chance of getting the job he or she is aiming for. There are several types of job interview. Some of the types of job interview that a person may face while trying to search for the appropriate job are 1.      Phone

Where can you work as an industrial engineer graduate? أين يمكنني العمل كمهندس صناعي؟

Hey everyone! It's me Shouq. This is a project for an elective class called Career Planning Bus 300 which I took in Summer 2018 in the American University of the Middle East (AUM) in Kuwait. Abstract The objective of this report is to explore the career of an industrial engineering graduate. In this report, an introduction will be mentioned first which includes the definition of career exploration, and industrial engineering major as well as industrial engineer. After that, the available career options for a graduate industrial engineer as well as the job description of the available jobs. Keywords: Career. Exploration, industrial, engineering, career, job, available. Introduction In order to be able to plan our career and know the best jobs for us, there are several steps to be done. The first step of career planning is self-assessment which was addressed n a separate report. And the second step of career planning is career exploration. Career exploration means fin

What is the reasons behind Amazon and eBay being the leaders of e-commerce

Hey everyone! It's me Shouq. This is my submission for the homework for an Industrial Engineering class called Computing in industrial engineering - IE332 which I took in Fall 2017 in the American University of the Middle East (AUM) in Kuwait.  Amazon and eBay There are several reasons on why Amazon and eBay are considered to be the best at e-commerce. One of the reasons behind that is that Amazon and eBay make sure to provide personalized products for every single one of theirs customers. And that happens through the recommended products that you can see at the "you may like" section. Also, another reason they are considered to be the best is because Amazon and eBay have a great clear communication where the customers will get a notifying e-mail that they ordered something. Customers can also track the products they bought to know if it got shipped or not as well as knowing if it reached the country they live at or not yet. Not to mention that both Amazon a