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Where can you work as an industrial engineer graduate? أين يمكنني العمل كمهندس صناعي؟

Hey everyone! It's me Shouq. This is a project for an elective class called Career Planning Bus 300 which I took in Summer 2018 in the American University of the Middle East (AUM) in Kuwait.


The objective of this report is to explore the career of an industrial engineering graduate. In this report, an introduction will be mentioned first which includes the definition of career exploration, and industrial engineering major as well as industrial engineer. After that, the available career options for a graduate industrial engineer as well as the job description of the available jobs.
Keywords: Career. Exploration, industrial, engineering, career, job, available.


In order to be able to plan our career and know the best jobs for us, there are several steps to be done. The first step of career planning is self-assessment which was addressed n a separate report. And the second step of career planning is career exploration. Career exploration means finding the available career options as well as finding all the needed information about each of these occupation options to decide on the best one of them all which can be chosen to determine a person’s career path for now on (McKay, 2017).

To know what industrial engineering is about we can say that industrial engineering is the result of several business and engineering majors combined together as industrial engineering students get to things about topics related to accounting, mechanisms, dynamics, thermodynamics, production, manufacturing, quality control, business, human resources as well as several programming languages. Industrial engineers are considered to be the connection link between all engineering from several majors as well as being able to connect with workers from many other fields. As a result, this all gives an industrial engineering graduate the chance and the opportunities to work in many several fields and in different industries with a varied job description.


As we mentioned earlier, industrial engineering graduate can work in a great variety of jobs. Some of the jobs and careers that an industrial engineering graduate work at are
1.      Being a manufacturing engineer
An industrial engineering graduate can work under the job title of a manufacturing engineer. A manufacturing engineering has to be well informed about the properties of the material he is working with. Also, he / she has to know the manufacturing processes of the materials as well as the different types of manufacturing p5rocesses that are out there., Also, a manufacturing engineer has to know how to evaluate what material should a product be made of based on mechanical, economical, and other types of tests and analysis. A manufacturing engineer has a lot of job responsibilities. Some of these responsibilities and duties include
·         Improving the manufacturing processes of a specific product("Manufacturing Engineer Sample Job Description |", 2017).
·         Developing the efficiency of the manufacturing processes of the manufactured product ("Manufacturing Engineer Sample Job Description |", 2017).
·         Making a database regarding all the products manufactured as well as their manufacturing processes("Manufacturing Engineer Sample Job Description |", 2017).
·         Assisting and helping new technics by teaching and guiding them to know which jobs need to be done ("Manufacturing Engineer Sample Job Description |", 2017).
·         Making sure that the products have good quality as well the manufacturing processes of these products ("Manufacturing Engineer Sample Job Description |", 2017).
There are many jobs that an industrial engineer graduate who want to work on the manufacturing field. Some of these jobs include being a
  • Manufacturing classes professor at a university
  • Consultant in an institute or a firm
  • Supervisor at factories
2.      Being an ergonomist
An industrial engineering graduate can work under the job title of an ergonomist. In general, ergonomics is an applied science concerned with designing and arranging that things that people use so that they interact more efficiently and safely in the workplace or outside it. Sometime anErgonomist can be called it is called biotechnologist which is essentially the same thing. Also, he / she can be called a human engineer as well as a human factors engineer ("Definition of ERGONOMICS", 2014). To sum it up, ergonomics is a science that deals with the application of information on physical and psychological characteristics to the design of devices and systems for human use.
An ergonomist has to make sure that the equipment used or may be used in the workplace or outside are able to provide the best level of comfort while being efficient and safe ("Ergonomist: job description", 2015). The same thing is applied to facilities and institutes as well as the systems that are designed. Also, an ergonomist has other works to do. Some of these objectives are
·         Evaluating the interaction that is happening between people and the machines("Ergonomist: job description", 2015).
·         Doing risk analysis and assessment in the place where people work ("Ergonomist: job description", 2015).
·         Making sure that the designed products match a customer’s rudiments ("Ergonomist: job description", 2015).
Some of the job opportunity for an ergonomist are
  • Ergonomics teacher. 
  • Ergonomics consultant. 
  • Safety employee in manufacturing companies. 
  • Supervisor. 
3.      Being a safety engineer
An industrial engineering graduate can work under the job title of a safety engineer. As a safetyengineer, the industrial engineering graduate has to measure and enterprise systems to prevent people from getting ill or hurt at the workplace while doing their regular job. Safety engineer has make sure that the chemicals, machinery, software, furniture, and consumer products will not cause harm to people or to the workplace where these people are working at("Health and Safety Engineer Career Profile | Job Description, Salary, and Growth | Truity", 2015). Some of the duties that a safety engineer has include
·         Analyzing plans and specifications for new machinery and equipment to make sure they meet safety requirements ("Health and Safety Engineer Career Profile | Job Description, Salary, and Growth | Truity", 2015).
·         Classifying all possible threats by inspecting services and equipment ("Health and Safety Engineer Career Profile | Job Description, Salary, and Growth | Truity", 2015).
·         Examining industrial accidents, damages, or job-related illnesses to control their sources and to regulate whether the occasions could have been or can be barred ("Health and Safety Engineer Career Profile | Job Description, Salary, and Growth | Truity", 2015).
·         Consulting owners to study about work surroundings and events that lead to coincidences ("Health and Safety Engineer Career Profile | Job Description, Salary, and Growth | Truity", 2015).
Safety engineer get to work in two related arenas which are the industrial hygiene and the occupational hygiene as well. They can work on companies or factories. Some of the jobs that a safety engineer does may have a more specific job titles. Some of these job titles are
·         Aerospace safety engineers
·         Fire prevention and protection engineers
·         Product safety engineers
·         Systems safety engineers.
5.      Being a quality engineering
An industrial engineering graduate can work under the job title of a quality engineer.A quality engineer displays the quality of all manufactured goods in many areas. He / shetry to not only find defects, but also to look and try to find the reason behind of these defects that occur in a product. Some of the duties that a quality engineer has are
·         Monitoring, testing and inspecting products to make sure they meet specified standards ("Quality Engineer Job Description, Duties and Career Outlook", 2016).
·         Regulating the expired duration of a product and until when it can and will last ("Quality Engineer Job Description, Duties and Career Outlook", 2016).
A quality engineer can work in many places from factories to companies and laboratories as well. Some of the jobs that a quality engineer does may have a more specific job titles. Some of these job titles are
·         Materials quality engineerswhere they have to identify the invention sizes ("Quality Engineer Job Description, Duties and Career Outlook", 2016).
·         Mechanical quality engineerswhere they have to see, measure, and analyze the heights of liquids and gasses ("Quality Engineer Job Description, Duties and Career Outlook", 2016).
·         Electrical quality engineerswhere they have tosee and analyze the flow of electricity and ensure the proper action of equipment and machinery ("Quality Engineer Job Description, Duties and Career Outlook", 2016).
4.      Working on insurance field
There are many subjects in this major that are related to theinsurance sector. Some of the classes that an industrial engineering graduate had to take are related to economy, investments, matrices, probabilities, statistics, and communication as well. Moreover, it discusses about loan, governmental payments and all the financial aspects regarding that. As a result, this allows industrial engineering graduates to apply for a job in the insurance sector. Some of these jobs include being a
  • Consultant 
  • Supervisor 


To sum up everything, in this report we talked about job exploration as well as an engineering major called industrial engineering. We also talked about the possible job opportunities for an industrial engineering graduate. The information that we provided was mainly based on our perspective and tendencies as a future engineers as well as the assistance of job haunting websites. There are many careers opportunities that we explained that an industrial engineering graduate can work at. Some of the possible job opportunities are related to manufacturing, ergonomics, safety, and insurance as well as quality control.


McKay, D. (2017). Learn How to Explore Your Career Options. Retrieved from
Health and Safety Engineer Career Profile | Job Description, Salary, and Growth | Truity. (2015). Retrieved from
Quality Engineer Job Description, Duties and Career Outlook. (2016). Retrieved from
Definition of ERGONOMICS. (2014). Retrieved from

The students who worked in this project are
  1. Shouq Alansari
  2. Hessah Salman
  3. Fajer Jeragh

         Knowing that all students in the group have worked ''enough'', but not all students have put equal amount of efforts while working on this project. Some students worked harder than others, and it is normal when it comes to working on groups.

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